A Gallery of Circumcisions3. Scarring
These penises would probably be considered "normal" by the men who own them or the doctors who cut them. But the very fact that they are so different indicates that circumcision has varying effects. Notice also the dried, crepey keratinised glanses.
These men have had their frenula completely removed.
It should hardly be surprising that one circumcision may be botched in more than one way. This one is botched in four ways. 1. Buried penis, caused by removal of too much skin. 2. Hairy shaft on erection, caused by removal of too much skin. 3. Double meatus (opening), caused by untreated meatal ulcer or a complication of treatment for meatal stenosis. This results in a double stream of urine. 4. Scarred glans. "My parents said 'There was one complication, which could have been serious. The technique back then to get the least possible scarring was to slide a clear plastic tube over the cut surface, this was so tight that we got the doctor to cut it off after a couple of days, but still the pain persisted, we called the doctor in again another couple of days later and he discovered that a second clear sleeve was on there!' Therefore another reason for the scar around the glans could be that this tube was so tight that the end of it cut into me, which may explain why the scars are deeper and wider at both sides, where the glans start to protrude from the shaft. " [This could be a reference to a PlastiBellTM.] The penis' owner says: " If my photos help just one person to decide not to have a circumcision, then I will be pleased."
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