A Gallery of Circumcisions
1. Skin-bridges
A skin-bridge is formed when the raw remnant where the foreskin
was cut attaches to the raw surface of the glans
and heals that way. This happens after the doctor has lost
interest in the case and the mother, who has been told her son's
circumcised penis is now "low maintenance" and has no idea what
it is "supposed" to look like, does not notice that anything is
the matter. It is not only ugly, but creates a space where smegma
may be trapped and - unlike under the intact foreskin - can not
be readily cleaned.

This bridge has been pulled
so tight it has begun to tear. |


the skin tag on the left side of the glans and the hole
in the skin bridge,
which goes right through it. There are two other holes
that don't appear here.
The owner of this was 18 when he took the first picture. There
is also a small skin tag on the right side of his glans.
He later had the bridge resolved. A scar on his glans may still
be seen (click
to enlarge).
The owners of these bridges have made a virtue of necessity:

The owner of these did not
know they were caused by his circumcision till he visited
this site.

This bridge indicates how far down the shaft circumcision damage
can extend.
The frenulum
has been removed almost completely.
The 19-year-old owner of this bridge only discovered
that anything was amiss last year. He writes:
A girlfriend of mine pointed it out
to me and then the research came, and I stumbled upon
your site and boom, there it was. It doesn't hurt or
cause any problems, but it's good to know what it is. I
have thought about it getting it "fixed" but sort of too
embarrassed about it. ... I know one thing for sure, I
don't think I'll be taking showers in the locker room
anytime soon. ... putting a ring through it, now thats
an idea. But still not too keen on this thing. |

Light at the end of the tunnel... |

This seems to have an additional
tiny bridge leading to it.
So much for being "cleaner". |

This one has an additional bridge further down the shaft. The
expression "penis
butcher doctors" starts to seem less extreme.

Multiple tiny skin bridges
(which would not make this penis either "cleaner"
or "easier to keep clean")
Not only is this an unusually wide and
tight skin-bridge ...
... but the folding over of the raphe
may be further damage.
This mess seems to
completely encircle its victim's glans... |

... well, almost. The actual circumcision seems to have
been relatively loose. |
The Center for Reconstructive
Urology website
Penile Skin Bridges - Penile Skin Adhesions
Subsequent to circumcision, some men develop skin
bridges [weasel-wording:
Circumcising babies creates skin-bridges on some
of them...] that originate along the
distal penile skin and cross the coronal sulcus of the
glans penis and fuse to the glans penis. These are
also called penile skin adhesions.
Penile skin adhesions in a 20 year old man. |
Penile skin bridges. Note that these bridges
cross over the coronal sulcus, the groove at the
base of the penis. It is mentioned on internet
discussions on this topic that with gentle
retraction, these adhesions can be separated.
However, in the above case, this would not be
advisable. The only reasonable options are
observation and incision of the bands with
suture closure under local or other anesthesia.
Treatment is not required, and observation is
very reasonable. However, when these adhesions
are associated with discomfort during sexual
relations or if the patient finds the adhesions
Pictures of porn actor Marcus Iron
and his penis with its two skin bridges
were removed from this postion at his request. |
Some skin-bridges are minor...
...others are more serious:

The small bridge on top has notched the corona.
Another on the right pulls the glans around in that
direction. |


The knotted vein further up the shaft may also be a
circumcision artifact. |
Skin bridges can result from adult male genital cutting.
This man, 43, was cut nearly two years earlier on medical advice
in Italy. As well as the bridges, there seems to be excessive
cutting into his sulcus
and odd scarring at the sutures.
The top and left bridges cause him pain during sex, by pulling
on the base of his glans. When his penis is flaccid, he can feel
an assymetrical tension between the lower and upper sides.
(Click on each image to see larger)
Skin bridges can be "resolved" (cut)...
on each thumbnail for a larger image
These pictures - of two bridges on the same penis -
were taken a week after the operation
with stitches still in place.
The yellow material is Neosporin antibiotic.
... but the result is still unsightly:
This tiny bridge is confined to the shaft. |
There is another, open on one side only,
further round the penis. Its owner says both need to be
cleaned out regularly. The frenulum has also been ablated
and split. |
Skin bridge in an intact penis
A skin bridge can occur in an intact
penis, apparently caused by forcible retraction in
infancy tearing the adhering glans and foreskin apart
and leaving two wounds that healed together. The
skin-bridge is at the top of the picture. The structure
in the middle is the frenulum,
a normal part of most intact men's anatomy. |
Actor Rupert Everett appears in a book of male nudes
and has a small skin bridge.
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