believe absurdities, - Voltaire (1694-1778)
Penile skin bridges are an uncommon complication of circumcision that are often found in general practice. Office management of penile skin bridges with
Adam's blood was drained from his body after he was killed, but his genitals were undamaged. A further clue lies in the fact that Adam, who was between four and seven years old, was also circumcised. "Thames torso boy was sacrificed ", Guardian (UK), June 2, 2002
Bill Maher: You're comparing cutting off children's arms to
cutting off the end of a penis of a little baby for - Politically Incorrect, Feb 1, 2001
The movie has nudity of native people and of an artist's model, plus brief scenes from a public mass circumcision of young Asmat boys put on for tourists. No cannibalism, violence or sexuality is shown, just discussed. - Review of "Keep
the River on your Right"
The mohel ... places a shield on the penis ... and draws the blade along ... along the shield, making sure that no injury can come to the child. - Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence in "The Naked Penis"
Nobody has ever complained [about being circumcised] before. - an administrator in the Australian College of General Practitioners, early 1980s
To see circumcision as "carving off a piece of an infant's genitals" - now that is sick! - John Pritchard on alt.circumcision,
September 28, 2000
SHMENDRICK, no scars on my CIRCUMCISED SHMECKLE!! - DarrinT68 on alt.circumcision,
August 16, 2000
[To circumcise to cure hyperactivity] is certainly more natural than using drugs like Ritalin - chelle_ken on ParentSpace, Feb 24, 2000
Although it doesn't cut away anything from the penis itself... - "Everything you always wanted to know about sex*
Getting cut does not reduce the size........that is the stupidist thing I have heard..... - Intoxicatingmoon on alt.circumcision, 21 Mar 2003
circumcised men aren't missing anything - Stuart Brown
Nothing is removed. - a poster on alt.men
it's only like having your hair cut off - a poster on alt.men
Man is the only creature on earth that has a foreskin..... - a poster on alt.men
Ah, you hate >forced< circumcision. But you apparently have nothing against forced non-circumcision [of neonates]. - wadi
No Hugh my penis is all there, just the redundant sheath has been removed. - wadi
... it is not part of the penis but rather a mammalian penile sheath of no sexual value. - wadi
[Circumcision] needs no justification. Its as natural an occurance as taking a dump. - wadi
Nobody is "hacking off pieces" of anything. - wadi
I was stunned by the natural beauty of the large, brownish, denuded glans that was proudly exposed to everyone's eyes. - a Hungarian writing on Circlist
The breast provides, but the knife protects. It channels a
father's natural anger and jealousy [at the son's intimacy with
his mother] into one controlled cut. He takes off one small part
in order to preserve - and love - the whole. - Rabbi Joshua J Hammerman in "Good Weekend" May 28, 1994
Among those preferring a circumcised penis, the reasons they indicated ... Seems more natural (77%) - Williamson ML and Williamson PS,
Smegma is not a natural body odor. From: darrint68@aol.com (DarrinT68)
circumcision does not reduce the size of a fully erect penis. - bob <bobbob@ix.netcom.com>
There's really no way a circ can affect penis size (outside of rare instances of clear medical malpractice). - Paul Hagen <prhagen@bitstream.net>
...the foreskin is the remnant of a sheath from when we were primates. - the "From Sex to Superconsciousness" List
Anyone who is against circumcision is obviously anti-God and anti-religion. - "Dr" Laura, Jan 19, 2000
'Women who have sex with circumcised men enjoy better health in general.' - unattributed
I have polled many women on their thoughts on circumcision, and their responses were all the same. . . :"eeewww! that's just nasty, [an intact penis] looks like a friggin mutation!" Clay C Winslager
Clamps are used during circumcision to protect the penis... Reuters Health
From the autopsy of Charles J. Guiteau, the assassin of Presedent Garfield, after his execution: - from The History of Phimosis
A little pain never hurt anyone! - "Intoxicatingmoon" on alt.circumcision, September 9, 2002
Also as American farmers needed sons to take care of them when they could not farm. Circumcision was used as a last attempt to have male offsprings!!!!!! - "Pegasus 1959" on alt.circumcision on May 30, 2003
decision: Merits of procedure debated"
- Munster Espress Online, August 22, 2003
- Anti-FGC campaigner Waris Dirie, Desert Dawn, (2004) p 52 - Waris Dirie's website
The CA service is remarkably efficient. No patient has had to wait more than two weeks from consultation to operation (compare that with NHS waiting lists!). As a result, more adult men than infants are booking into an Agency clinic for the convenience. - The Circumcision Agency website
"Flatt was not forced to be circumcised, or prohibited from being
circumcised. The medical decision was left to him and his
parents." - Douglas Bahr, assistant attorney general
"With this clamp, used correctly, there's zero chance of hurting the baby's penis." - Elizabeth Lister, Ob-Gyn, in Penn & Teller's
"That there is necessarily an interference with bodily integrity does not mean that the child's right to bodily integrity is thereby infringed. Parents are only doing to their children what the overwhelming preponderance of them would wish done were they able to express a view. The ritual removal of a child's foreskin enhances that child's bodily integrity." A child's right to circumcision - M. Freeman
I don't think that circumcision is necessarily body modification. - Benami {/wiki/User:Benami} on Wikipedia Talk: Circumcision, 23 January, 2006
And it’s not cutting your penis it’s just cutting the excess foreskin. Bloghead commenting on Andrew Tavani's "To chop or not to chop", February 25, 2006
"You cannot compare a male and female circumcision! Male is done for medical and other reason and keeps the penis intact and fully functional." "IsThereAnyName" writing at MSN, March 7, 2007
"my son's genitals were NOT CUT ... he had some excess skin removed and his penis was left hole and healthy and functioning.." "danger within" writing at MSN, March 11, 2007
Barrow19, implying the foreskin is not part of the penis, at MSN , April 7, 2007
I don’t know if they are “intact” whatever that means. I am intact and circumcised. This is not a “human rights” issue nor an “ethical” issue. - "Shriber" in the Jewish Daily Forward, July 22, 2007.
There´s no "less penis" after circumcision - just a more favourable ratio of penis to skin - where on earth did you get the ridiculous idea that circumcision makes for "less cock"? Richard Yorkshire writing on Fathermag.com, 2007-10-18 02:26
"Sage hurt in brit mishap" JTA, November 15, 2007 Ive circumsized my boys but to each his own! Bossy304 writing to BET.com</P> The bell fell off and there was no bleeding, no infection, no scarring, no destruction to the penis or organ at all. Kimanika writing to Birthtalks ®</P> ...there is no invasive procedure done... Mark T. writing to the New York Times, December 3, 2007 Those opposed to circumcision say you need to foreskin [sic] for sex, but this doesn’t make sense. Sex is very complex -- it starts with hormones in the brain, and it just wouldn’t make sense if the foreskin had anything to do with it. [Try that with "penis" instead of "foreskin"...] Dr Edgar Schoen, writing in The Nest Baby
A sixteen-year-old Kenyan boy is being treated in hospital after losing part of his penis in a circumcision ritual. BBC news, August 2, 2008 Clearly you don't understand the process since nothing is "lopped off". - Chaossaber314 at the Volcanvo forum, August 20, 2008 McNamara says. "It's different. You're removing the foreskin. You're not actually removing part of the sexual organ." The Mommy Files, October 23, 2008 My father told the story to demonstrate the innate Jewish desire to enter Abraham’s covenant of circumcision, or brit mila, a most fundamental Jewish obligation. He speculated that, no doubt, an 8-day-old Jewish infant, in some inchoate way, likely also senses the depth of the commandment’s import, and that his soul, pure and new, pines to undergo the procedure. "Making the Cut" Cross-currents, November 14, 2008 It's not cutting off a part of your genitals! ... They aren't cutting the penis. It's skin. I'm sorry but I don't consider that the same thing. Joy at ParentDish, Novermber 23, 2008 Study coauthor Thomas C. Quinn, M.D., professor of global health at Johns Hopkins University, says that choosing circumcision, whether it's the parents of an infant or an adult male for himself, is and should remain an individual decision. CNN March 26, 2009
Press release, June 8, 2009 "but nothing is 'lost' during a circumcision, nothing at all." Mike on "Surgical history is limited to elective tonsillectomy." "The patient was circumcised at 8 days of life without complication..." - A 2-week history of painful urination - JAAPA, November 24, 2009
- "School holidays in Malaysia, time for circumcision" Reuters, November 23, 2009
...She knew when she presented him in the temple for circumcision that this way was to take place. - Mongomery Advertiser (Alabama), December 19, 2009
- South African Medical Journal, December 2009, Vol. 99, No. 12, p84
- MKC-TN on MSNBC Newsvine, January 13, 2010
- Bill the Butcher on Subversify, March 13, 2010
- Shinbi_Belldandy@xanga on HealthKicker, April 13, 2010
"I get calls all the time from parents who just want a more holistic approach to circumcision," Trager says. - Oyster on Oy Bay, April 13, 2010
- Ngoni waku Bwanje in the Nyasa Times, April 14, 2010
The maker of an instrument used in circumcisions claimed that injury was impossible with its use, but after an infant lost a portion of his penis during an operation with the Mogen clamp, a judge awarded $10.8 million in damages against the company. - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July19, 2010
I was circumcised and my manhood is perfectly intact. - CatoUticencis at Conservative Values, December 26, 2010
For Mandela, the circumcision was something that linked him
with his Thembu ancestors; - J.M.Ledgard, "Revolution From Within", New York Times, February , 2011
Toubia argued, in 1995, that the term female circumcision "implies a fallacious analogy to nonmutilating male circumcision, in which the foreskin is cut off from the tip of the penis without damaging the organ itself." However, in the 1999 book Male and Female Circumcision, Toubia states that she agrees that "circumcision — that is, the genital mutilation of girls and boys — is wrong despite its widespread practice."
There are no nerve endings in the foreskin. Julieanne on Ciummings Patch, March 19, 2011
The penis is the same size whether circumcised or not, as it is only the foreskin that is removed through circumcision, not part of the penis. Risky B on Yahoo! Answers, April 6, 2011
Sang Kencil on Brunei Direct, April 16, 2011
bummer64 on NBC Bay Area, April 27, 2011
he was probably too old to get the quick snip, Maria Gertsch on facebook (100 absurdities) It's extra skin ... that is non-sexual. It's like having on a sock. Some people never change their socks and their feet smell pretty bad. ... Denise E. Rogers on NBC, May , 2011
Randy Stephenson on NBC, May 2, 2011
If you think about it, it [circumcision] proves the existence of God. Otherwise, why would anyone do this let alone even thin[k] this concept up?? Better to leave the debate alone and abide by the covenants. earldp on the LA Times May 27, 2011
James Biggerstaff MD on Amazon.com, May 31, 2011
Caligula Kangaroo on Facebook, June 18, 2011
calgal81 on the LA Times, October 3, 2011
The fore skin is not a part of the genitals. Dave Scott in the NY Times, December 27, 2011
Antonio C. S. Rosa on Transcend Media Service
"It's a wonderful tradition,'' Davis said. "I'm so happy to have my child participate in such a beautiful service.'' "Business is brisk for mohels: Jewish circumcision rite in high demand" in the Sun Sentinal (Florida), May 12, 2012
mariahfan-1 on the IMDb message board for What To Expect When You're Expecting, May 20, 2012
from the Swaziland National Aids Programme (SNAP)] said circumcised men naturally perform better sexually. The Times (Swaziland), May 27, 2012
Oh, and you might want to read up on what circumcision is. No
skin is actually cut off. - witchrunner on MSNBC, June 7, 2012
... It's not really a body part, like a heart or lungs they are cutting. ... - affordablecomputerguy@... on SmartPlanet.com, September 20, 2012
Male circumcision does not cut off a part of the penis. - Andnowforthetruth on Slate, September 24, 2012
...a man’s pleasure parts remain intact after circumcision. - Gedalyah Reback on the Times of israel, October 31, 2012
The genitals are untouched by the ritual procedure. It's but a square inch flap of skin thatS removed. - the other Bob on JPost, October, 2012
- Haley Nichole Lorenzen on Facebook, March 13, 2013
it's not a body part just a piece of skin - Caity Bro String on Facebook, April 4, 2013
It is not the genitals that get cut, it is the skin on one part of the genitalia - totally different system, old boy. - FJSC on Elders of Ziyon blog, June 27, 2013
- Barry Curtis, Why the decision to circumcise must be left to parents, The Independent, 8 November 2013
"For new dad, a stronger bond from a cut foreskin" Jewish Light, December 4, 2013 ![]() Comment on "Canada’s pediatricians set to reveal new policy on circumcision" O Canada, December 5, 2013
Cutting the foreskin leaves the nerves in tact. - Katelynd Fontana on Facebook, February 12, 2014
OK guys, you don't cut the Penis during circumcision, just the foreskin. Just saying :) - Rolando Buhayo on Facebook, February 12, 2014 #130 A circumcision cuts off a piece of skin. The penis is left intact. - Anonymous on DC Urban Moms and Dads, February 22, 2014 ![]() - the Times of Israel, April 2, 2014
![]() - Taylor Christiansen on Facebook, May 4, 2014
- Brian Gillin on Facebook, June 28, 2014
Circumcision leave NO SCAR on a penis! - Edward Lobel on The Lansing City Pulse, September 15, 2014 ![]() #140 I'm circumcised and no one cut parts off my genitals. - Mike on The Week, November 26, 2014
- justsomeone on Breitbart, May 29, 2015
- Statement of Equality Now ![]() - The Swamp, September 3, 2015
![]() - Ina May Gaskin, Spiritual Midwifery
(1975 - removed from later editions)
As a 74-year-old Jew, I cannot remember my circumcision, Teviz Ruben of Buxton in the Portland Phoenix, October 1, 2015 ![]() - Facebook, December 9, 2015
part of a correspondence begun by Cora Marie saying not to write "circumcision" because of the hateful people and comments #150
![]() - Twitter
![]() - comment on Dear Abby, March 21, 2016
![]() - Facebook,
March 24, 2016
![]() - Facebook, May 2, 2016
![]() - (pseudonym of Michel Hervé
Navoiseau-Bertaux) on Michael Dulin's
Facebook page, May 20, 2016
![]() - on her own Facebook page,
July 16, 2016
![]() - on their
Facebook page, October 24, 2016
![]() -
reposted by Moe Love,
October 27, 2016
![]() -
on Chaselon
Facebook page, November
19, 2016
![]() Facebook,
![]() -
on Lisa
Helen's Facebook page,
January 15, 2017
![]() -
comment on "Some
Men Say Adult
Circumcision Led to
Better Sex"
on The Doctors Facebook page, August 3, 2017 -
Rabbi Nathan Lopes
Cardozo, "Circumcision:
Why risk your
well-being? A call
to all Israelis"
Times of Israel,
January 17,2018
![]() -
on Rosemary
Facebook page,
March 9, 2018
![]() (6 absurdities) The "three functions" are apparently urination, procreation and pleasure. How the foreskin can not be involved in pleasure is a mystery. -
Facebook page,
April 2, 2018
The "Circumcision [parents', not foreskin owners'] Choice" blog has responded to this entry with a whole page personally attacking the author of these pages. #170
"The foreskin is only one percent of the penis" -
The Late Show
with Stephen
August 2, 2018
![]() -
August 7, 2018
![]() ![]() ![]() (180 absurdities) Facebook has a page of Circumcision stupidity. |
Attributed Contributions are welcome.
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"wadi" <wadi@bigfoot.com> is a pro-circumcisionist living in
Durban, South Africa. His contributions to alt.circumcision
are long on sneers, short on content.
Circlist is a circumfetishist website.