"Speaking as a Cavalier, I'm flummoxed by one
proposition of the anti-snipping crowd: that
circumcision "reduces sensitivity." Well, thank God I
had it trimmed back, then; if
the serpent were any more easily provoked, I'd have
to spend my days wearing a hoop skirt.
Lyle Neff in the Vancouver Courier,
July 21, 2004
"They say taking the skin causes a decrease in
sensitivity…I don't think I
could stand much more sensitivity. I'd pass
Fumanchudad on Miss
Britt, October 3, 2008
I'm a 30 year old circumsised male and I have no
problem with sensitivity. In fact I have the complete
opposite - it takes all my
willpower not to become too aroused!
Dave on The Art of ManlinessFebruary 24,
"I’m sensitive enough without my foreskin. I shudder
to think of how much less control I would have with
MariusSilverWolf on The
Frisky, June 17, 2009
...being circumcised myself, if sex had felt any
better when I was in college, I
might have gotten myself arrested.
"You'd have more feeling? I wouldn't last 2 seconds"
Alohaalaloha on Mother Jones, November 17, 2010
I brought up the issue with my (circumcised) husband
because in case we have a boy several years from now I
don't want to be arguing about this in the delivery
room. He did not find my points against male
circumcision very convincing. (Maybe that's his
experience - I don't know if he could stand being any
*more* sensitive. The head of the penis, in our
experience is super sensitive even if circumcision has
taken place.)
DistantStarlight on HealthKicker, April 17, 2010
I'm a 55 year old cut man and the head of my penis is
so sensitive that if it were
any more sensitive I would loose my load upon entry.
Anonymous at EmpowHER, December 22, 2010
studies show that being circumcised takes away nerves
that increase the pleasure? Well if that's the case I
dont want them because if I felt any more pleasure,
then the sex wouldnt only last 5 mins.
Bob at the Guggie Daily, January 12,
Fine, but if I had much more sensation, I'd probably
be ejaculating in my pants.
Clifton100 on Youtube, January 22, 2011
... only one of the
(somewhere-in-the-low-double-digits) partners I've had
has been uncircumcised, and let's just say that they
all seemed plenty sensitive to me. (A
couple were a little too sensitive for the
situation, ifyouknowhatimean.)
EmpressCallipygos on MetaFilter, February 3, 2011
So it's more sensative 'with',? but who needs that? It's hard enough holding back
with a hot chick as it is. Haha.
financehawk on YouTube, April 1, 2011
I must confess, every time I hear about how much
sensation and pleasure my circumcised penis is missing
out on I can't help but wonder why MORE would be a
desirable objective. I'm afraid it would simply make
for an all too ephemeral
- Poweslave on Science Blogs, May 3, 2011
if it were any more sensitive, I'd have two spare
pairs of boxers in the truck lest I get the "come
hither" look at intersections or I have to scratch it.
EFIS on Salt Lake Tribune May 17, 2011
...i am circumcised, i last about 21 seconds in bed.
the thought of having thousands of additional nerve
endings makes me think id technically be a virgin
Anonymous at Viceland, June 17, 2011
on the sensitivity issue the debate is laughable.if
we were any more sensitive we would be raping females
all day and all night.trust jewish boys when they say
they feel far too much
- jacob levy in the Jewish Daily Forward, June 29,
I'll pass on the sensitivity thing. Last thing i need
is to go from the 10 minute wonder to the 5 minute
- astralvortex at FARK.com, July 15, 2011
i had someone explain to me how uncircumcised people
experience more pleasure which made me think: how much
more pleasure do we need? I have no complaints right
now....if anything I think it
would be too much to handle.
- sturg1dj onGawker, July 29, 2011
"But it decreases pleasure with sex!" Good. Sex is
physically pleasurable enough. I
have more of a problem with coming too quick than
too slow.
CambridgeHeights on YouTube, July 29, 2011
...to be honest, about the last thing I want is to be
MORE sensitive in that area, resulting in even
shorter lovemaking time.
Bowen Houffon MSNBC, September 2, 2011
I don't know about other males, but I
sure as hell have enough sensitivity and
can't imagine wanting anymore.
Bob in Sun City on MSNBC, September 3, 2011
I am 37, circumsized as well and I sure as hell have
enough sensitivity at times it
is painful. I couldn't imagine being even
more. Sex would be a 30 sec ordeal everytime.
Wantsmore on Talk About Marriage, September
13, 2011
I have enough trouble staying
the course as it is. If it felt any better,
I'd last about 3 seconds.
FlyingSquid on Talking Points Memo, October 4,
So, I tend to think that seriously dramatic
overreactions to having been routinely circumcised are
unwarranted. I mean, if I were any more sensitive, I’d
be coming right now, and who wants that?
howardpierce on Lousy Canuck's blog, December
27, 2011
My husband is so glad he doesnt have his foreskin. He
actually wants to be able to please me in bed and even
with out all those extra 20,000 nerve endings he
still climaxes before me every time. He wishes he
could be even less sensitive so he could hold out
long enough for me to climax.
Laura Zoey - posted on Circle of Moms, June 15, 2010
Any female who uses the argument that it removes
nerve endings has no idea. I am a circumcised male and
I think I have enough nerves in that spot, anymore
and I couldn't handle it. lol
Derek McKenzie on Facebook, November 17, 2012
I'm circumcised and if I had
more sensitivity, I'd cream my pants just walking.
Foals on Record in the Guardian, December 18, 2012
I honestly felt like If I
could get anymore sensitive down there...it would
probably be painful.
Un3ven on Yahoo Answers, January 21, 2012
I am circumcised and I am certainly not disappointed
in any way. I won't go into details but my wife has no
trouble driving me completely crazy. If it was any
more intense I wouldn't be able
to stand it.
economykiller on Newsvine, February 18, 2013
Well, I am circumcised, and damn glad for it, cause
as it is now I am way too
sensitive. Not that the sensitivity is a bad
thing...it's just a bit too
much to handle.
Adam Burman on The Times of Israel, February
19, 2013
find it hard to believe it can get any more sensitive
than it already is (circumcised). Might never stop
hyperventilating and eyes never roll back to normal
position if it was.
PlainTruth on Yahoo News, March 8, 2013
My dick is too sensitive
as it is. I don't want it more sensitive.
The Crunge on Grasscity, March 23, 2013
I always like the statement that being circumcised
reduces pleasure. I'm circumcised and if I enjoyed it
any more than I already do, I'd never last long enough
for my wife to ever reach orgasm...
Kenneth Anderson in the Wall Street Journal, June
18, 2013
@Adrian I am a helmet guy and I have never had a
problem with sensitivity. If anything my problem was
the other way, I get aroused
far too easily. ...
mont_y in the Sydney Morning Herald,
August 14, 2013
O Canada, December 5, 2013
Playing with my dick feels pretty fucking fantastic
and it has no extra skin over it. If
felt any better i would last all of 5 seconds.
I am completely fine with being circumcised. I will
ride my cut dick all the way to hell!
[Name in Japanese characters] on Facebook, January 10, 2014
My first body modification. 20,000 nerve endings
severed? I'm cut &
sensitive as hell. If I wasn't cut, I'd orgasm with
every step under that theory.
Ken Cole on Facebook, January 9,2014
I already got trouble lasting
long in good p*ssy, I don't need any more
ChrisDorner on The ColiJanuary 22, 2014
I am circumcised. If I had
more sexual pleasure than I already have I might
have problems with premature ejaculation. And
I might not be able to last as long, thus depriving my
partner of as much pleasure.
FreeRanger on The Daily Beast, February 2,
To all those people saying it's WAY more sensitive
and better to have an uncircumsized penis... here is
my arguement:
I am circumcised and love sex. It feels fantastic. I
don't really wish for any more sensation, because it's
overwhelming at times as it is. I feel like if
it were any more sensitive, I would just immediately
cum, and wouldn't be able to 'stay in the
So thank you parents for circumcising me; I am now
able to adequately service ladies without prematurely
kebob on Reddit, February 10, 2014
You mean its even better that what I have? I don't
believe you. I would definitely
suffer from premature ejaculation. Then my
partners would be unsatisfied - still who cares about
them? Not some people obviously.
justliveandletlive on YouTube, March 2013
One man drove by and yelled, “If
I had any more sensation I’d only last 5 seconds!”
- Brian Herrity reporting on a
demonstration at Walnut Creek, CA, March 23, 2014
if i had anymore sensation i
dont think i would last more than 20secs... i
love my circumcision, really sets my junk apart from
the others.
- oxymoronic on MMO, April 15, 2014
Tyler Palmer College Humor, May 7, 2014
Personally my penis still has way
much feeling in it...
Jaden Oldfield on Youtube, May 9, 2014
"He says it reduces penis sensitivity"
Yeah, more sensitivity. That's JUST what I need.
Papagano on MLive, September 6, 2014
You have NO CLUE what you are talking about. ...
less "feeling"...haha, well my
husband sure doesn't need any more. ...
socalimom on The Local, October 22, 2014
I'm thankful I'm not 75% more sensitive. I would never
have a clean pair of pants, and would be embarrassed
to go out in public for fear of the wind blowing.
Jeff Tenenbaum on Intact America's Facebook page,
November 12, 2014
... You said that there is no sensation.
That my penis is a "numbed dildo". Which is false. If
anything, I have a problem with
too much sensation leading to ejaculation
earlier than I would like. ...
sythe100 on The Week, November 27, 2014
Interesting. All the same: meh. I can't imagine my
cock being more sensitive, or what I'd gain by it
being so; I'm really quite sensitive as it is. Rather
not cut my hang-time down from the 38
seconds it is.
ArcadianRefugee on Fark, December 11, 2014
Lol. I get outstanding pleasure during sexual acts. I wouldn't want it
to be anymore sensitive than it already is.
Chili Red on Facebook, January 19, 2015
I can say without reservation
the last thing I need is a more feeling in that area.
Men should worry more about other things, we already
have virtually bottomless capacity for inordinate
obsession with all things fornication.
Redshirt on the Atlantic, May 14, 2015
Also, if the sensation was any more
intense I would probably have
died of a brain aneurysm by the time I turned
13. So I'm OK with my parents' decision.
this guy I know in Spokane on The
Stranger, July 2, 2015
Had I not been clipped,
I'd have been institutionalized in a home for the
sexually insane shortly after puberty.
Pifco in the
and Mail, Sepetember 22, 2015
I know how sensitive I am. Any
more sensitive and I'd be useless in bed
- William Risboskin in Facebook, September 28, 2015
terms of sensitivity, a
circumcised dick gives more than enough. I
think as guys we're all wanting to last longer
not the other way around haha.
- Bobby Nixon on Joe Rogan's YouTube interview with
Milo Yiannopoulos, October 1, 2015
- message to Sara Rhianna Grosse
on Facebook, October 2, 2015
Everyone talks about how much
"sensitivity" you loose. If I had and more
sensitivity, I'd have an even
harder time lasting to measly two minutes I
do now. I'm quite happy with being circumcised
- Christian Chance Wheeler on
Atheist Republic on Facebook, March 12, 2016
Saying it causes Loss of sensitive is a
crock of shit, if i was any more sensitive
it would be all over before i get it out
- Justin Juzzy Smith on Anti-Theists. Pro Active Atheists.
Opposing Religious Harm
on Facebook, April 14, 2016
I'm circumcised and am
perfectly happy that way. I certainly wouldn't
want any more sensitivity to the area, or I wouldn't be able to stand
it. It is far too sensitive as it is.
Dewar on Global News, April 16, 2016
am cut. My penis is has always been crazy sensitive.
So if it does reduce sensitivity it must
be minimal. In fact most
young males try to concentrate on making
their penis less sensitive, to
increase time of sex before climaxing. I
am 36 it's still pretty dang sensitive....
Dominic Remaro on the Huffington Post,
April 21, 2016
issues here with my circumcision.
nerve endings and I would have
an premature issues. To
each his/her own.
Andrew Hattway
on the Huffington
Post, April 21, 2016
Plenty of sensation
going on right where it
needs to be. In fact,
trying to imagine having
more sensation leads me
to believe I'd be a
worse lover, as premature
would probably become
an issue.
Thieme on Fatherly,
April 22, 2016
do know that my thing
works just fine without
it and, if anything, if
I had it and was thus
"more sensitive" I'm
sure my perfomrance
would be far worse,
since I'm no three
hour champ as it is...sadly....
on the
Huffington Post, April
22, 2016
I had way more
I would've cum in
two seconds every
time before
I was 30. Thanks
circumcision. You
gave me a chance to
halfway please a
woman!! ...
Richard Stanford on James
Ketter's Facebook page,
June 16, 2016
would hv asked to be
circfumcised a million
times, I am still
sensitive, matter of
fact am
over senstive..
Lucci Mo on Facebook,
August 10, 2016
you said "Male
leads to
sensitivity of
the male
I'd hate to
see how
quickly I'd
finish if I
hadn't been
Wake up, FGM
and Male
are worlds
apart. If they
cut boys balls
off - then it
would be
Chris Murray
on Facebook,
August 19,
I don't know
why my husband
can have an
orgasm in 5-10
mins with his
penis. It must
feel amazing
he has a hard
time going any
although he
wish he could!
does not
reduce size or
guys I know
worry about
TOO much
if you know
what I mean

Alicia Smith
on Beanz
Facebook page,
September 30,
still pretty
sensitive down
It feels very
sensitive for
the full 45
seconds I'm in
Adam Schilling
on V
is for
Voluntary on
May 29, 2017
as it is. Any
more and it
would just be
Tiny Tawny
("I'm a girl
with a dick")
replying to her
own post
on Twitter,
December 3,
on David G.
Facebook page,
October 3,
June 7, 2019