A Gallery of Famous Intact Men 6
 Harry Truman The Scalpel Stops Here
 | Dr Martin Luther King Jr |
 Ronald Reagan See also former US film stars
 Jesse Jackson
 Pope John Paul II
A baby photo has been published
 The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Said to have mentioned it in speeches and writings
 Prince William
Doubtful? See the FAQ
 Marco Rubio Florida House Speaker and Senatorial candidate
" I went to
school with him." - a correspondent Miami-born, circumcision would have been alien to his Cuban parents
 Senator Bob Packwood Oregon |
 Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz Republican senator for Texas
"I was involved with him
in a one night stand when he was in his early twenties. He is not circumcised. His dad is a Cuban. ... " - a corresondent |
Václav Havel President of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic
Nurses told after his many visits to hospital
 Dmitry Medvedev
- reported by an old schoolmate
|  Vladimir Putin
- pictures of him in a Russian bathhouse have appeared on the web and he told a Jewish audience in the US, "I have been speaking at synagogues, I have been at openings of Jewish community centers, I have cut ribbons - the only
thing I haven't done is get a circumcision."
| and most probably all previous Russian and Soviet leaders |
 Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark
Paparazzi pictures of him urinating from a yacht have been published.
 Prince Felipe of Spain
 Silvio Berlusconi Former Prime Minister of Italy
Paparazzi pictures of him at a nude beach have been published. |  Hugo Chavez Late President of Venezuela
He has mentioned it in speeches.
 Erwin Rommel The Desert Fox |
 his son, Manfred Rommel Mayor of Stuttgart
Dear Sir,
thank you for your letter from October 3
2002. I have never heard that
soldiers of the Africa Corps were
circumcised. The veterans I could
contact have not either
Best wishes yours
Manfred Rommel
 Raph Nader Consumer advocate, presidential candidate
"Many years ago I was intimate with Ralph. He is not circumcised. His parents were Eastern Orthodox Christians from Lebanon." - a correspondent
 Gotham and Deepak Chopra New Age gurus
They have mentioned it in speeches and talks. Few Indians of Hindu origin are circumcised.
 Ebro Darden
Media executive and radio presenter
Radio Ink: Among Best Program Directors in America (2011)
Radio Ink: A Future African American Leader (2013)
- mentioned in in an interview when Omarion announced he had been cut.
"I'm not going to let anybody chop on my dick right now. My shit is fine."
Others who could go here:
Spiro Agnew
Prince Albert of Monaco
and most of the leaders of
Central and South America
and Asia.
Suggestions welcome.
Links to information on celebrity circumcision status.
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