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(Newest first)
- Stephen Robert Morse visits some New Yorkers he calls The Intact-ivists, foreskin restorers, Narratively, December 20, 2012
- Martin Robbins says Infant male circumcision is genital mutilation in the Guardian, December 6, 2012
- Skye Davison defends genital integrity on 14th Amendment grounds in the (Eureka) Times Standard, November 20, 2012
- Karl Uhlig says the law protects a boy's religious freedom and bodily integrity in the Law & Global Justice Forum, November 5, 2012
- A Nigerian mother who didn't circumcise in the Nigerian Village Square, October 2012
- A mother tells why she circumcised her first son, but not her second in Legos on the Stairs, October 21, 2012
- From the Helsinki Symposium on Genital Autonomy, September 30 - October 3, 2012:
- Lena Nyhus offers an insight to the Danish debate in the Jerusalem Post, October 15, 2012
- Lloyd Schofield offers his insights into the 12th International Symposium on Genital Autonomy, in Helsinki to the Bay Area Intactivists, October 15, 2012
- Dr W Gifford Jones asks What Would Newborns Say? in the Epoch Times, October 2, 2012
- Charli Carpenter suggests the issue should be reframed as one of children's rights on The Duck of Minerva, October 2, 2012
- Robert Darby argues that If children lack rights, adults don't have them eitheron Online Opinion, September 26, 2012
- Jennifer Margulis offers 12 reasons the AAP is right and you should circumcise your son (satire), September 23, 2013
- Psi Randell, a NICU nurse in New Zealand, explains why circumcision is not useful against UTIs, August 24, 2012
- Dan O'Connor of the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University didn't want to write or talk on circumcision, September 14, 2012
- Simon Collery has found that people are pushing Circumcision in Kenya because there's money for it, but it is unlikely to work, September 15, 2012
- HIV in Keny documents forcible circumcision, September 14 2012
- Eli Horowitz writes of Normal health conditions, abnormal social practices September 12, 2012
- André Schulz, president of the German Association of Police Detectives, writes In Defence of the Child, September 10, 2012
- Gert van Dijk (ethicist for the KNMG [Royal Dutch Medical Association]) says His Body, His Choice in The European, September 8, 2012
- Reactions to the 2012 AAP circumcision policy:
Eran Sadeh argues (also in Hebrew) on Ynet news that Instead of crying anti-Semitism, Israel should follow Germany's lead on circumcision and also abolish the unethical ritual, August 24, 2012 (The reaction is predictible.)
- Claire Mahon, Adjunct Clinical Professor of Law at the
University of Michigan, and Alexandra Phelan, International Health and
Human Rights Lawyer at Australian National University, say "Stop
violating boys' human rights" on
The Conversation, August 9, 2012
- John the Other joins the Vancouver Foreskin Pride contingent on A Voice for Men, August 7, 2012
Christian Zeitz, academic director of the Institute for Applied Political Economics proposes a compromise solution in Beschneidung und Religionsfreiheit: Keine faulen Kompromisse! in Die Presse, July 27, 2012
- Ontario ethics professor Udo Schuklenk says there is something surreal about the current debate, July 31,2012
- Prof. Maximilion Stehr of Munich on why circumcision without medical justification is wrong in Der Spiegel, July 26, 2012
- Alexander Görlach comes down on the side of "not to cut" in The European Magazine, July 25, 2012
- Catherine Bennett says Circumcision is an affront to decent human behaviour in the Guardian, July 22, 2012
- Michael Schmidt-Salomon sagt/says
Bundestag will Kinderrechte beschneiden / Parliament wants to circumcise/restrict children's rights in giordano bruno stiftung, July 21, 2012
- "Life-Intact" explains the unspoken aspects of having a foreskin in Barrel of Oranges, July 17, 2012
- Historian Robert Darby says the German decision has moved the goalposts from medicine to human rights on Open Forum, July 16, 2012
- Alan Posener thanks his father, who fled the Holocaust and changed his mind about working in Israel, in Die Welt, July 11, 2012
- Historian Robert Darby considers circumcision a legal and ethical minefield, on Online Opinion, July 9, 2012
- Biologist P Z Myers predicts No More Mangled Wee-wees on his blog "Pharyngula", July 2, 2012
- Biologist Jerry Coyne says Don't blame atheists for the German decision on his
blogwebsite Why Evolution Is True, June 29, 2012
- Former Jerusalem Post columnist Larry Derfner says "Stand up for your son" on +972, June 29, 2012
Jurist Ralf Möbius blogs about the German decision: Landgericht Köln: Stück vom Pimmel abschneiden strafbar (Piece cut from the dong punishable) June 27, 2012
- Skeptic Freethought welcomes the German legal ruling, June 27, 2012
- Birth junkie Carmen cuts to the truth, June 12.2012
- Street-talking Jesse Andrew extols Foreskins for Quickies, June 8, 2012
- Ness Fraser learns she is an Intactivist, May 29, 2012
- Sarah Paeth on the Daily Barometer (Oregon State University) argues that Circumcision is merely for aesthetics, not physical benefit, May 27, 2012
- CherryBounce on Ask MetaFilter (May 27, 2012) asks intact men if they have ever wished to be circumcised, and gets a resounding "NO!"
- Lissa Rankin was an intern whose first-hand experience made a case against circumcision, September 7, 2010
- A Correspondent in Zimbawe says it is still falsely claiming circumcision defeats HIV/AIDS, May 23, 2012
- Brian Earp writes bluntly about when bad science kills: how to spread AIDS in Practical Ethics, May 22, 2012
- Don Lacey contemplates Saving Ryan's Privates: Thoughts on Circumcision, May 15, 2012
- Radio comedian Greg Fitzsimmons has Some Tips on Circumcision, May 6, 2012
- Maria on Barrel of Oranges considers Why Women Care So Much About Circumcision, April 28, 2012
- Abena Agyeman-Fisher tells howPokot Girls of Kenya Refuse to Be Cut ... in BV Blackspin on April 20, 2012
- Paul Clark decides infant circumcision is genital mutilation at Planetary Vision, April 24, 2012
- Jere DeBacker shows how lawmakers are clueless about circumcision research at Health Policy Solutions, May 1, 2012
- That mama Gretchen on keeping her sons intact, April 26,2012
- Heidi on Thaden Pierce, March 28, 2012, circumcised two sons, accidentally did her research and left her third intact.
- Jill Di Donato tells about her first time with an intact man at the Huffington Post, March 26, 2012.
- Kate Bucklin tells how she learnt the hard way how common circumcision complications are in the Norwich Bulletin, March 25, 2012
- Laci Green says why she opposes circumcision on Sex+, March 14, 2012
- Skeptical Scalpel says research on prostate cancer & circumcision link is overhyped , March 13, 2012
- Alan Cumming blogs May the Foreskin be with you, February 26, 2012
- Ingrid Bloemheuvel considers whether Circumcision [is] a violation of Human Rights, February 25, 2012
- An Australian gran tells Why I Wouldn't Do It To My Child If You Paid Me February 17-21, 2012
- Lillian Dell'Aquila Cannon demolishes the claim that "It's so much worse for an adult.", February 20, 2012
- The Dutch site Love Matters discusses Circumcision: the hidden sex problems, February 18, 2012
- Deirdra Funcheon says Anti-circumcision Activists Say Trimming a Bit off the Top is Too Much in the Broward Palm Beach New Times, February 13 (C.O.C.K. = 5) and quotes Doug. Diekema yet again suggesting AAP to Come Out More Strongly in Favor of Circumcision, February 14, 2012
- David Gisselquist analyses non-sexual transmission in the three HIV trials: Don't get stuck with HIV, February 12, 2012
- Josh Mintz asks Is Jewish circumcision like Muslim cuttings on the Day of Ashura? in Haaretz, February 10, 2012
- Wholesome Mama tells how she went From Pro-Circumcision to Intactivism, February 5, 2012
- Our Correspondent at the Asia Sentinel sees the HIV-circumcision campaign as US cultural imperialism, February 3, 2012
- Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon considers How to Criticize a Jew [how to criticise circumcision without being anti-Semitic], January 29, 2012
- Andrew Sullivan contrasts circumcision and tattooing, January 27, 2012
- Patrick Pognant (author of Sexual Repression by the Psychiatrists 1850-1930: Guilty Bodies) writes in Le Monde, Il faut sauver les prépuces! / Save the Foreskins!, January 24, 2012
- Rodney at Next magazine says Intactivism is a sexual revolution for the 21st century, January 20, 2012
- Rob Darby (author of "A Surgical Temptation") considers Circumcision in Australia: neither needed nor ethical on the Online Forum, January 16, 2012
- Terri Henry comprehensively says Why The Caribbean Must Reject Circumcision As A Method For HIV Prevention in mni alive, January 7, 2012
- Emma Silvers says Brit shalom is catching on, for parents who don't want to circumcise their child, in Jweekly on January 5, 2012
- Robert O'Hara attacks the African circumcision campaigns from a Men's Rights perspective on A Voice for Men, January 4, 2012
- Dr James Pate publicly apologises to his circumcised son, January 1, 2012 in response to Peachy Keen's blog.
- Simon asks Why Are Westerners So In Love With Circumcision For Africans? on HIV in Kenya, December 22, 2011
- Cynthia, The Hippie Houswife, has a guest post on Up, Down and Natural, December 12, 2011
- Miriam Pollack analyses circumcision's role in identity, gender and power in Tikkun, June 27, 2011 and the Huffington Post, December 7, 2011
- The Truther Girls rethink circumcision with Maurene White, December 6, 2011
- The Lay Scientist, Martin Robbins, says Infant male circumcision is genital mutilation in the Guardian, December 6, 2011
- Lauren sets out the whole case on Birth Without Fear, November 27, 2011
- Simon Napier-Bell takes a look at A Stiff Debate from outside the USA, November 23, 2011
- Matthew Taylor answers a rabbi on Tikkun, November 22, 2011
- Luke Malone asks "Should you circumcise your child?" in the Sydney Morning Herald, November 18, 2011
- Marc Angelucci says Male circumcision is a personal
choice in the Daily Journal, November 17, 2011
- Eve Fensome of Manchester wants to ban non-therapeutic infant male circumcision, October 27, 2011
- John Geisheker discusses the greatest danger facing an intact boy - a well-baby visit - on Psychology Today, October 23, 2011
- P. Z. Myers calls circumcision ritualiized child abuse on Pharyngula, October 19,2011
- Kevin Ackley calls circumcision a grotesque practice that needs to stop in the Advocate (Minn. State U Moorhead), October 19, 2011
- Roland Hulme says Bad Science Doesn't Justify Male Circumcision on Sexis, October 17, 2011
- The Canadian Medical Associaion Journal (CMAJ) has begun a series of essays on circumcision by Roger Collier, October 12, 2011
- Brett Abel, protecting privates, says Drastic decision should require subject's consent on Accent Advocate, September 14, 2011
- Darcia Narvaez lists Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe
, Psychology Today, September 11, 2011
- "A" discovers the joy of sex with an intact man on Sex with Emily, September 6, 2011
- Amanda Windsor says the Circumcision decision is only for consenting grown-ups in the Times-Standard, Eureka, California, on September 1, 2011
- Amelia Calbry-Muzyka writes In defence of foreskins on Canadian University Press, August 26, 2011
- Brian Earp argues that Circumcision is immoral, should be banned at Practical Ethics (University of Oxford), on August 26, 2011
- Cate Nelson considers Why Circumcision is a Feminist Issue at Eco Child's Play on July 7, 2011
- Julie van Orden says Abolish the 'unkind cut' in the Salt Lake Tribune, July 1, 2011
- Eli Ungar-Sargon interviews Matthew Hess, creator of Foreskin Man, June 30, 2011
- Amelia Calbry-Muzyka writes In defence of foreskins, June 29, 2011
- StatelessPilot denied his unrepentant father a kidney:, June 29, 2011
- Brian Fabry Dorsam looks at Cry Babies: Circumcision and the Defense of Barbarism on The Busy Signal, June 23, 2011
- The Atheist Rabbi opposes circumcision but not a ban, June 17, 2011
- Sandford Borins questions circumcision from a Liberal Jewish perspective, June 9, 2011
- Jeff asks, "Should I circumcise?" "I'm circumcised: what's the big deal?" June 9, 2011
- kurt_t writes a letter into the past, to his parents about to give him birth: Circumcise me?, 12 June 2011
- Shea Levy writes An Open Letter to Mohel Michael Henesch, May 17, 2011
- Nina Amir finds that Not all Jewish men support male circumcision, March 10, 2011
- Claiar Vriezen: SF bill will protect newborns, allow men freedom to choose, March 1, 2011
- Dawn Eisner changed from "Eew!" to "back for seconds" at Pipe Dreams, February 8, 2011
- One Woman's Love Affair With an Intact Penis at Woman Uncensored, February 22, 2010
- Bill Irwin (Mr Noodle on Sesame St) on why he opposes circumcision, September 2, 2010
- Crunchy Jewish Intactivist Ashley debunks foreskin myths, January 23, 2011
- Holly Houston says Don't Judge a Penis by its Foreskin, January 20, 2011
- Lawn Griffiths says Anti-circumcision movement must unite in one angry voice to end cruel double standard, January 18, 2011
- Michelle posts Travis Wisdom's list of The Benefits of Keeping the Penis Intact, January 16, 2011
- Alicia is Intactful, January 13, 2011
- ErikKate23 on 9 Davids lists 50 reasons to leave it alone
- Kirk faces colourblindness, then being circumcised, January 8, 2011
- S. Marie Carlson says It's Not Your Foreskin… So Don't Touch It at Indie Birth
- Maryn Lester says Leave Your Son's Penis Alone at Indie Birth
- Jessica summarises what changed her mind about circumcision, December 13, 2010
- Dr James Pate asks Are you REALLY SURE you want your OB/GYN to cut your little boy?, November 26, 2010
- In Israel, Thousands of parents sail against the tide of circumcision (Google translation from Spanish) November 3, 2010
- Bryony Whitehead talks to parents who regret stealing a man's pleasure in iafrica, October 22, 2010.
- M., a senior at M I T loves those turtlenecks!, October 19, 2010
- A dissatisfied Jew writes on Elephant, October 11, 2010
- Richard Rooney in Swaziland declares its Circumcision Policy in Shreds, September 20, 2010
- Arizona doula Tatiana circumcised two sons then changed her mind, September 17, 2010
- Dr Cleopas Sibanda questions whether circumcision will expose women to HIV in the Times of Swaziland, September 12, 2010
- Rebecah C changed her mind about circumcising her sons
- David Louis chose to have himself circumcised and tells why he now regrets his decision.
- Patrick Hooper asks Does Your Penis Have a Turtleneck?
at Red and Black (U of Georgia)
- John Talbott on the wonderful new gel in the Huffington Post, July 22, 2010
- Earthy mother's Harrowing story of circumcision repair, July 16, 2010
- Mondi Makhanya on South African tribal custom: Welcome to SA: Once a year we kill teenage boys in culture's name
- Melissa Rooney on why she didn't circumcise her second son: The Second Time Around, Durham News (NC), June 16, 2010
- Cristina Odone: It's time to protect boys as well as girls from the barbaric practice of circumcision Daily Telegraph, June 12, 2010
- The Economist: Ending a brutal practice June 10, 2010
- Laura Ealing Circumcision and the rights of children on Green Left (Australia), June 6, 2008
- Royal College of Midwives site: Who's looking after the boys?, June-July 2010
- Why are US doctors allowing genital mutilation? Lakshmi Anantnarayan in The Guardian, May 11, 2010
- Sexual Mutiliation or Routine Medical Procedure? Evil Slutopia responds to the New York Times.
- Sexual Repression: the malady that considers itself the remedy, Psychology Today, April 20, 2010
- Botched Circumcision - How a medical mistake made me question my decision. by Melissa White
- Kevin Brooker, "No reason for ultimate unkindly cut" Calgary Herald, March 29, 2010
- The Man-Nurse in his Diary finds no sub-preputial horrors in his old male patients, March 18, 2010.
- Mideast Youth are getting it: "Circumcision or Genital Mutilation" by Jahanshah Rashidian (Also at Agoravox)
- Dr W. Gifford-Jones, "It's well past time to end male circumcision", Winnipeg Free Press
- Sarah Tennant: What is Intactivism? Reasons Not to Circumcise Your Baby
- A student at Ball State U, Indiana gets it: OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL: Foreskin: the controversey [sic]
- Good sense from Chico, California: The Controversial Cut
- A Zimbawean doctor gives excellent reasons for skepticism, but concludes Circumcision has positive benefits in HIV infection
- We Need to Stop Circumcision: Christiane Northrup MD in The Huffington Post
- Feminism and Brit Milah: reconciling faith and personal politics
- Mother Jones - Much Ado About Cutting (a new Shakespearean)
- Becoming a Doctor: The Incomplete Circumcision (includes an astounding disclaimer: circumcisers take no responsibility for outcomes.)
- The tremendous fuss about circumcision
- Circumcision deserves Circumspection at the Bioethics Forum
- How one father decided
- Intactivist gives circumcisionists pause in South Africa on Facebook
- The Lay Scientist answers Dr Amy Tuteur. (And the replies to her essay are more illuminating than it is.)
- Holistic Parenting from the Pan-Afrikan Perspective
- Doctor refuses to ask parents
- Esquire: How to Settle the Circumcision Debate with Your Spouse (Quite funny)
- The Experience Project: I grew up intact in the USA
- Penis Pressure: Foreskin and Weenxiety
- The Tremedous Fuss about Circumcision
- The Continuing Oddity of the Circumcision Debate at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen
- EduMcKaytion
- Oprah (Sadly, not Oprah herself.)
- The Devil's Advocate
... Roland Hulme says Bad Science Doesn’t Justify Male Circumcision on Sexis, October 17, 2011
- The Canadian Medical Associaion Journal (CMAJ) has begun a series of essays on circumcision by Roger Collier, October 12, 2011
- Brett Abel, protecting privates, says Drastic decision should require subject's consent on Accent Advocate, September 14, 2011
- Darcia Narvaez lists Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe
, Psychology Today, September 11, 2011
- "A" discovers the joy of sex with an intact man on Sex with Emily, September 6, 2011
- Amanda Windsor says the Circumcision decision is only for consenting grown-ups in the Times-Standard, Eureka, California, on September 1, 2011
- Amelia Calbry-Muzyka writes In defence of foreskins on Canadian University Press, August 26, 2011
- Brian Earp argues that Circumcision is immoral, should be banned at Practical Ethics (University of Oxford), on August 26, 2011
- Cate Nelson considers Why Circumcision is a Feminist Issue at Eco Child's Play on July 7, 2011
- Julie van Orden says Abolish the 'unkind cut' in the Salt Lake Tribune, July 1, 2011
- Eli Ungar-Sargon interviews Matthew Hess, creator of Foreskin Man, June 30, 2011
- Amelia Calbry-Muzyka writes In defence of foreskins, June 29, 2011
- StatelessPilot denied his unrepentant father a kidney:, June 29, 2011
- Brian Fabry Dorsam looks at Cry Babies: Circumcision and the Defense of Barbarism on The Busy Signal, June 23, 2011
- The Atheist Rabbi opposes circumcision but not a ban, June 17, 2011
- Sandford Borins questions circumcision from a Liberal Jewish perspective, June 9, 2011
- Jeff asks, "Should I circumcise?" "I'm circumcised: what's the big deal?" June 9, 2011
- kurt_t writes a letter into the past, to his parents about to give him birth: Circumcise me?, 12 June 2011
- Shea Levy writes An Open Letter to Mohel Michael Henesch, May 17, 2011
- Nina Amir finds that Not all Jewish men support male circumcision, March 10, 2011
- Claiar Vriezen: SF bill will protect newborns, allow men freedom to choose, March 1, 2011
- Dawn Eisner changed from "Eew!" to "back for seconds" at Pipe Dreams, February 8, 2011
- One Woman's Love Affair With an Intact Penis at Woman Uncensored, February 22, 2010
- Bill Irwin (Mr Noodle on Sesame St) on why he opposes circumcision, September 2, 2010
- Crunchy Jewish Intactivist Ashley debunks foreskin myths, January 23, 2011
- Holly Houston says Don't Judge a Penis by its Foreskin, January 20, 2011
- Lawn Griffiths says Anti-circumcision movement must unite in one angry voice to end cruel double standard, January 18, 2011
- Michelle posts Travis Wisdom's list of The Benefits of Keeping the Penis Intact, January 16, 2011
- Alicia is Intactful, January 13, 2011
- ErikKate23 on 9 Davids lists 50 reasons to leave it alone
- Kirk faces colourblindness, then being circumcised, January 8, 2011
- S. Marie Carlson says It’s Not Your Foreskin… So Don’t Touch It at Indie Birth
- Maryn Lester says Leave Your Son’s Penis Alone at Indie Birth
- Jessica summarises what changed her mind about circumcision, December 13, 2010
- Dr James Pate asks Are you REALLY SURE you want your OB/GYN to cut your little boy?, November 26, 2010
- In Israel, Thousands of parents sail against the tide of circumcision (Google translation from Spanish) November 3, 2010
- Bryony Whitehead talks to parents who regret stealing a man's pleasure in iafrica, October 22, 2010.
- M., a senior at M I T loves those turtlenecks!, October 19, 2010
- A dissatisfied Jew writes on Elephant, October 11, 2010
- Richard Rooney in Swaziland declares its Circumcision Policy in Shreds, September 20, 2010
- Arizona doula Tatiana circumcised two sons then changed her mind, September 17, 2010
- Dr Cleopas Sibanda questions whether circumcision will expose women to HIV in the Times of Swaziland, September 12, 2010
- Rebecah C changed her mind about circumcising her sons
- David Louis chose to have himself circumcised and tells why he now regrets his decision.
- Patrick Hooper asks Does Your Penis Have a Turtleneck?
at Red and Black (U of Georgia)
- John Talbott on the wonderful new gel in the Huffington Post, July 22, 2010
- Earthy mother's Harrowing story of circumcision repair, July 16, 2010
- Mondi Makhanya on South African tribal custom: Welcome to SA: Once a year we kill teenage boys in culture's name
- Melissa Rooney on why she didn't circumcise her second son: The Second Time Around, Durham News (NC), June 16, 2010
- Cristina Odone: It's time to protect boys as well as girls from the barbaric practice of circumcision Daily Telegraph, June 12, 2010
- The Economist: Ending a brutal practice June 10, 2010
- Laura Ealing Circumcision and the rights of children on Green Left (Australia), June 6, 2008
- Royal College of Midwives site: Who's looking after the boys?, June-July 2010
- Why are US doctors allowing genital mutilation? Lakshmi Anantnarayan in The Guardian, May 11, 2010
- Sexual Mutiliation or Routine Medical Procedure? Evil Slutopia responds to the New York Times.
- Sexual Repression: the malady that considers itself the remedy, Psychology Today, April 20, 2010
- Botched Circumcision - How a medical mistake made me question my decision. by Melissa White
- Kevin Brooker, "No reason for ultimate unkindly cut" Calgary Herald, March 29, 2010
- The Man-Nurse in his Diary finds no sub-preputial horrors in his old male patients, March 18, 2010.
- Mideast Youth are getting it: "Circumcision or Genital Mutilation" by Jahanshah Rashidian (Also at Agoravox)
- Dr W. Gifford-Jones, "It's well past time to end male circumcision", Winnipeg Free Press
- Sarah Tennant: What is Intactivism? Reasons Not to Circumcise Your Baby
- A student at Ball State U, Indiana gets it: OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL: Foreskin: the controversey [sic]
- Good sense from Chico, California: The Controversial Cut
- A Zimbawean doctor gives excellent reasons for skepticism, but concludes Circumcision has positive benefits in HIV infection
- We Need to Stop Circumcision: Christiane Northrup MD in The Huffington Post
- Feminism and Brit Milah: reconciling faith and personal politics
- Mother Jones - Much Ado About Cutting (a new Shakespearean)
- Becoming a Doctor: The Incomplete Circumcision (includes an astounding disclaimer: circumcisers take no responsibility for outcomes.)
- The tremendous fuss about circumcision
- Circumcision deserves Circumspection at the Bioethics Forum
- How one father decided
- Intactivist gives circumcisionists pause in South Africa on Facebook
- The Lay Scientist answers Dr Amy Tuteur. (And the replies to her essay are more illuminating than it is.)
- Holistic Parenting from the Pan-Afrikan Perspective
- Doctor refuses to ask parents
- Esquire: How to Settle the Circumcision Debate with Your Spouse (Quite funny)
- The Experience Project: I grew up intact in the USA
- Penis Pressure: Foreskin and Weenxiety
- The Tremedous Fuss about Circumcision
- The Continuing Oddity of the Circumcision Debate at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen
- EduMcKaytion
- Oprah (Sadly, not Oprah herself.)
- The Devil's Advocate