A Gallery of Very-Probably-Intact Men
This page is aimed at people who may imagine that all the men they see are circumcised. It is not certain that the men shown are intact, but because of the times, places and circumstances of their births, the probability is very high that they are.
 | "The fact that Albert, born in Ulm on March 14, 1879, was, contrary to Jewish tradition, not given the name of his grandfather, shows that his parents were not dogmatic in matters of religion. Although they never renounced their Jewish heritage, they did not observe traditional rites or dietary laws and never attended religious service at the synagogue. Hermann Einstein regarded Jewish rituals as relics of an ancient superstition and "was proud that Jewish rites were not practiced in his home," as Albert's son-in-law Rudolf Kayser ["Anton Reiser"] wrote in his biography of Einstein. - Max Jammer Einstein and Religion: Physics and Theology |

Ulf 'Tickan' Carlsson of Sweden, European tabletennis champion, 1996
 Danish gymnasts
 Italian epée team af the Sydney Olympics |
 |  |  | Kristian Ghedina, skiing champion | Fashion models, Florence |
 | George Best |
 |  | Bosnian striker Elvir Balic and Italian Fabio Cannavaro
River Plate's defender Diego Placente and Brazilian forward Vagner in Buenos Aires.
 Zulu (prior to 2010)
 Adriano Moraes, champion bullrider, Brazil
A reader comments: "The same patriarchal society that thinks it is okay
to mutilate the genitals of girls and boys is the same patriarchy that
oppresses non human animals." These pages do not endorse rodeo or
|  Gauchos, Brazil |
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