A pretentious name for some audio, artwork, and animation in the cause of abolishing involuntary (male) genital modification.
ircumcision: |  |
This logo, originating here, was used on the steps of the Capitol, Washington DC, during Genital Integrity Week, 2001. The full-sized image (twice this diameter, 6kb .gif) would be dramatic on a baby's singlet.

And the same in Swedish:

Större / Bigger
Cafepress.com advise that products bearing this image may not be sold in the Intactivism Shop:
 So it is now freely available for printing not-for-profit on T-shirts etc., dark-coloured backgrounds, badges/magnets and bumperstickers.
Here is a soundfile with some common sense on circumcision - from an apple tree in Munchkinland! (63KB .wav file. Deaf: Here is the text.) And here is some, more direct, from South Park. (A 38 KB .wav file. Its text)
A New Zealander celebrates being intact in a television documentary, "The Naked Penis" (103KB) (text).
One of the commonest "reasons":
You can go from here to see an animated postcard illustrating the size of the foreskin (and a static one illustrating its innervation), or an animated graphic illustrating the ineffectiveness of circumcision at preventing Urinary Tract Infections, or a static one illustrating its ineffectiveness at preventing penile cancer.
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Text of the soundfile from a New Zealand documentary:
"I'm just real glad I've got a foreskin, eh. It's a primo little thing."
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