Funded by grants from the European Community (CI 1-0371-F(CD)); the Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Spain (86/753, 87/1513, 88/2049,
90/0901, 95/0955, 01/1237, 01/1236, and BAE 01/5013); the International
Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyons, France (FI/92/3-2 PAR);
Preventiefonds, the Netherlands (28-1502€1); Programa Interministerial de
Investigación y Desarrollo, Spain (SAF 96/0323); the Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimiento Cientifico e Tecnologico, Brazil (JEN-204453/88€7); the
Department of Reproductive Health and Research of the World Health
Organization (98€101); and a Union International contre le Cancer
Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grant.
We are indebted to the women and men who participated in the study; to the
gynecologists, pathologists, oncologists, and supervisors involved in the
fieldwork that made the original studies possible; and to A. Arslan and M.
Diaz for their technical assistance in data management.
Source Information
From the Servei d'Epidemiologia i Registre del Càncer, Institut Català
d'Oncologia, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain (X.C., F.X.B.,
S.S.); the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyons, France
(N.M., J.S.S., R.H., S.F.); Free University Hospital, Amsterdam
(C.J.L.M.M.); Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (K.V.S.); Universidade
de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (J.E.-N.); Philippine General Hospital,
University of the Philippines, Manila, the Philippines (C.A.N.); the
Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand
(S.C.); and Proyecto Epidemiológico Guanacaste, San José, Costa Rica
Victor Moreno, M.D., Servei d'Epidemiologia i Registre del Càncer,
Institut Català d'Oncologia, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain,
was also an author.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Castellsagué at the Servei d'Epidemiologia
i Registre del Càncer, Institut Català d'Oncologia, Gran Via s/n, Km 2.7,
08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, or at
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The members of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Multicenter Cervical Cancer Study Group are as follows: N. Muñoz, S.
Franceschi, J.S. Smith, M. Plummer, IARC, Lyons, France; F.X. Bosch, S. de
Sanjosé, X. Castellsagué, V. Moreno, Institut Català d'Oncologia,
Barcelona, Spain; L.C. González, Servicio Territorial de Sanidad y
Bienestar Social, Salamanca, Spain; M. Gili, Universidad de Sevilla,
Seville, Spain; I. Izarzugaza, Euskadi Cancer Registry, Vitoria-Gasteiz,
Spain; P. Viladiu, Registre de Càncer de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; C.
Navarro, Consejería de Sanidad, Murcia, Spain; A. Vergara, Servicio
Provincial de Sanidad, Zaragoza, Spain; N. Ascunce, Programa de Cáncer de
Mama, Pamplona, Spain; M. Santamaria, Hospital de Navarra, Pamplona,
Spain; C.J.L.M. Meijer, J.M.M. Walboomers, P.J. Snijders, A.J. van den
Brule, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam; K.V. Shah, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore; R. Herrero, Proyecto Epidemiológico Guanacaste, San
José, Costa Rica; L. Tafur, N. Aristizabal, Universidad de Valle, Cali,
Colombia; P. Alonso de Ruiz, General Hospital of Mexico, Mexico City,
Mexico; S. Chichareon, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand; C.
Ngelangel, University of the Philippines, Manila, the Philippines; and J.
Eluf-Neto, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
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